Psychology Sessions: How Many Do I Need?

A common question – how many psychology sessions will someone need to see an improvement? Whilst an exact answer to this question would be nice – unfortunately it isn’t so simple. The ideal amount of psychology sessions needed to manage mental health...

5 Benefits of Telehealth

Telehealth refers to the use of technology, such as video conferencing software, to deliver healthcare services remotely. In the field of psychology, telehealth sessions, also known as teletherapy or telepsychology, can be an effective way to deliver mental health...

Anxiety and Depression: A Guide

Anxiety and depression are two commonly discussed mental health disorders – but what are they and how can they be treated? This post explores anxiety and depression, their causes, symptoms and effective treatment methods. What is Depression? Depression is a...

Psychologists who Bulk Bill

If you’re looking for a psychologist who bulk bills, we can help! Our team of bulk billing psychologists are available today. There are several aspects of bulk billing that are useful to know in relation to mental health, and using a Medicare mental health care...